Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Guess What I Forgot?

Hmmm.  I leave civilization for just one month and I can’t even remember how to get into my own blog and then I find a post I had just started and forgotten about awhile ago.  Guess it’s time to get it out of my Draft box.  We’ve been so many places and done so many things in the last month, that it’s going to take me a month of Sundays to get caught up.  Problem is, we are leaving day after tomorrow for a Pioneer Trek and will be once again away from civilization and my own beloved soft bed until the weekend. 

These are my friends, the Columbines, when they were on their last leg in my front planter, but I love them anyway.  They come back every year and spread their happy little faces all around.  I will miss them until next spring. 






 This is my little boy Devin.  He just had a 23rd birthday.  Devin’s birthday has been cursed for many years.  We never get it celebrated on the right day for one reason or another and somehow the family traditions that go with a birthday celebration get spread out over many days.  He tends to feel forgotten, but took it all in stride when the family gave him some things he was very excited about.  His sisters gave him this CD.  Strange name.


  His parents “contributed” to this phone that he wanted, since his technological aspirations were a little out of our price range.


  Devin on his way to work.  We call him our little bumble bee when he has to dress up like this occasionally.


 Somebody in the family gave Devin a Costco-sized jar of Jelly Bellies and then came up with a little game.  Take one with your eyes closed and see if you can guess which one of the 49 Flavors it is. There is a chart on the back of the container with the colors and flavors listed for reference.


 Sometimes the flavor was obvious but not a favorite.






  And sometimes it was obviously painful.


 I think it was Dallin who started this whole game.  It didn’t take him long to decide which ones he REALLY didn’t care for.


How can there be that many nasty Jelly Belly’s in one jar?


  Jim seemed to be the only one who wasn’t having fits about the flavor he chose, and actually ended up with ones that he liked..




  Nathan was by far the most unlucky.  He detested  certain flavors and without fail, chose one of them every single time.  I think this one was Buttered Popcorn.




The whole game was worth a lot of laughs – when it wasn’t your turn.


  1. Is Dallin trying to cast a spell? It doesn't look like its working.
    Devin you are such a cute bumblebee.
    (I would put a smiley face but it would be crooked and I hate that...just pretend theres a smile)

  2. I like about half of those flavors...the others are less appealing. Looks like fun though. Happy Birthday to Devin.
