Friday, April 1, 2011

School’s Out for Summer
















This is how we started out yesterday morning.  I did not like this ANY more. 
















While the girls were still sleeping, I emptied all the books into laundry baskets and hauled them to our bedroom.


























Then I had to unscrew Dad’s nifty little security screws bolted into a wooden bar with his electric screwdriver.  Vrooom.  Vroom.  Just remember “Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosy.”















Our Technology Tyrant, er, um, Princess,  spent a lot of time disconnecting and reconnecting a LOT of cords, computers, and etc.















I wouldn’t have been able to move these horrifically heavy desks without the girls’ help.






























Naturally, I had to involve Dad.  I decided to cut the tall bookshelf and stick part of it under the hanging one that used to go over the computer desk.  He particularly loves my “Honey Do” lists, or at least he always gives that impression.















All done.  But I found him working on his Boeing computer on the corner of my desk, which happens to work out very well for him, which is good.















We still have way too many books to shelve them.  I redid the really tall one by the door this morning and reshelved them and put two rows on most of them.  I also moved the books on the shelves you see from the shelves by the window.
















There was the greatest space for our really tall books.















All of our CD’s are now on this shelf thanks to Marci.



















And my desk just fit in that corner spot so well.  We just love the room now it’s so open and so bright.


  1. wow. that is pretty dang amazing. I can't believe you did all that. I'm sure it looks so open and pretty now, way to go momma. :)

  2. Playroom, bedroom, bonus room, computer room, nathan's room and now...the room of...doom!

    It looks so nice and happy cheerypip!

  3. You know LeAnn, I just finished a Design in the Home class and I must say I'm impressed! Your before an after pictures were fun and you really utilized your space with the change. It looks so inviting! :)
