Sunday, July 29, 2012

Morning Walks This Side of Heaven



Have I mentioned how much I love this place?


There’s often something very magical happening out my bedroom window to the east about 5:30 in the morning, and more times than I can count, it has caused me to run for my camera.  Thursday morning, I decided to do more than stand on our patio in pj’s for pictures.  I got dressed as fast as I could, skipped the make up, grabbed my camera, and headed for the pond at the entrance to our subdivision.


I wasn’t disappointed.  I had been by here the morning before, and the colors in the sunrise on the pond stopped me in my tracks.  It was downright painful not to have my camera.  I was hoping for a repeat performance this morning, and although there were no pinks and oranges and reds and yellows, it was still beautiful.


There’s plenty of wildlife around the water.  I watched this goldfinch enjoying the sunrise as well.  I believe we both departed rather abruptly at about the time we smelled the skunk.  Didn’t seem to phase the deer below  at all.






Standing right there at the pond and looking to the west you can see our chapel.  Jim and I have walked to church Sunday morning several times now.  I just stuff my Sunday shoes in my purse and we take off.


This creek runs through the subdivision  for about a mile.  I walk here every morning and often at night with Jim.


There are always plants in bloom.  Red Hot Pokers have become a new personal favorite, even though this one has about had the biscuit.



You can see where the fire went through here last month on the left hand side.


This was another sunrise this week.


This is the beginning of the sunrise that turned the pond incredible colors on Wednesday  when I didn’t have a camera.  It’s amazing what will get me out of bed in the mornings at indecent hours.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

An Unusually Warm Welcome to Herriman

Obviously, there are many ways to get to know a new area or neighbors when one moves to a new home, some being more pleasant than others.  Several weeks ago, we moved to Herriman, Utah, and when we weren’t at our family reunion in Bear Lake, Utah, we were unpacking and sorting over 25,000 pounds of household goods, nearly 1/2 of which felt like were books (very heavy), and the other half food supply (very, very heavy). 

Just last Friday morning, Mom and Dad had to leave for home after visiting us for awhile after the reunion.  After helping them load their car and getting their bird safely situated where he couldn’t attack the little trees Mom was taking home, they took off.  It turned out to be good timing.  That afternoon,. I woke up from a short nap, looked out the front window and saw this:


Minutes later, the phone rang and it was Jim calling as he was leaving work in Salt Lake.  He said he could see smoke down in the valley somewhere.  I told him it was actually across the street from us.  A minute later, Marci called from their youth conference boating trip and said she’d just heard that there was a fire in our subdivision and that we were being evacuated. Nathan was with me and thought to run around and close all the windows and shut all the blinds, hoping to keep the heat down should the fire get that close as he also ran suitcases and loaded baskets out to the car—all the while telling me how little time we had and we had to leave NOW.  What do you take when you have just minutes and one small minivan?  I doubt any one would be too surprised that the first thing I took was a few pictures of the house, just in case I never saw it again.,


I then grabbed our binder of birth certificates and passport stuff, a shelf full of our journals, then started stuffing suitcases with some clothes and toiletries for myself, Jim and the girls.

It was just a weird feeling to look outside and see everyone else doing the same thing.  We passed a policeman at the entrance to our street and I wanted to ask questions, but he kept us moving on and out.  We drove down the block to the pond and saw that many people had stopped there and were watching what was happening from the higher vantage point.  I pulled in to a parking spot, grabbed my camera, and we hopped out.  I looked around and didn’t know anyone.  I had never yet felt panicky, but at this point it was a lonely feeling to not be able to go and talk with friends about what we were going through.  It was a great opportunity to meet people, and I actually went and met quite a few, first asking where they lived.  Since our ward is mostly only two long streets, Long Ridge and Fox Creek, I knew very quickly if they were in our ward boundaries or not.  It was nice to meet the high priest group leader, the ward clerk, and others there. 

Not long after we arrived at the pond, the police went through the neighborhood, using the bullhorn and getting everyone out that was still in.  They then blocked off the roads and no one else was allowed to enter – which actually, was a good a thing since there had been two young men loitering around our house when Nathan went out with a load of stuff to the car the first time.  I appreciated the protection of the police.


We are standing on the far side of the pond, looking west, and watching the houses on the hill just to the west of our house..


We watched the bushes around this house burst into flame and watched as the flame circled around the massive propane tank outside the house.



It was amazing to see the plane come through and drop the fire retardant making a direct hit.



The helicopters repeatedly came in for water out of the pond, filled their 200-plus gallon containers, then went and dumped it on the places that were burning the worst.










We watched them circle around in a pattern, taking turns dipping and filling, then heading off.


Looking just a little north of the fire a few feet, you can see our stake center and chapel where we attend church.


It was a terrifying feeling to look out and see flames in the middle of our neighborhood.  So far, all the flames had been a couple blocks away.  But the winds were blowing from the south, behind the fire, toward us to the north.  Just one of these houses in the neighborhood catching fire would send it racing through the rest of them.


Nathan and I watched from the pond for hours, waiting for Jim to make it from Salt Lake, and the girls to make it in from their youth conference.  Once we drove out, we would not be allowed back in, and we wanted to see what happened.  No one wanted to leave.  In this picture, Nathan is the guy in red, and he has just looked across the pond and seen Jim and Marci and Jamie walk up.

Thank goodness for cell phones.  It was the only way we were able to reunite.  The police had blocked off the roads at 6400 West and 134th, so Jim had quite a hike to make it to the park.  The girls had to be dropped off at Smith’s Grocery, 3 miles away.  Somehow, Jim connected with them, and they walked in together.


It became very tense as the fire was all around our houses and the wind was blowing it closer.  All of a sudden, the wind shifted and started blowing from the north and the fire began going backward up the hill to the south away from us.


The police eventually came and evacuated the pond area.  The helicopter pilots were understandably nervous that one of their filled water containers would malfunction, and since we were all standing underneath them part of the time, they said it would be like getting hit by a semi if that much water dropped out and hit you.

The Red Cross had set up a Disaster Relief site at the new Herriman High School.  Many of us went there, and were fed dinner by different local businesses, including Chick Fill-A and CafĂ© Rio.  Also tons of hot pizza were there along with all kinds of snacks and treats from stores like Wal Mart and Smiths.  People were incredibly nice,  We took naps on the cots set up in the gym where there were donated new blankets and pillows, hygiene kits (Marci had been brushing her teeth with her fingers), and just about anything you could need.  We had hourly updates from city, fire, and police officials.  We had no idea how long we would be evacuated from our homes.


Friday night, Rhonda and Art graciously offered us the use of a hotel room of their friend’s that had been offered them, so we had more comfortable accommodations than many there.  The Red Cross was there with food for every meal until the evacuation was lifted at 6 p.m. on Saturday.


Jim and I walked around the neighborhood after church today.  It was amazing to see how the fire came up to the houses two blocks away from ours, melted the fence and just stopped.  It also ran around and in between these houses.  The stake president came today, and Fast and Testimony Meeting was the only meeting we had.  It ran over an hour and a half as member after member, including children, recounted their experience and testimony and as our stake president testified -- the feeling that guardian angels had been surrounding the area and keeping us safe.  Three homes farther up the canyon were lost, and one outbuilding, but it truly was a miracle that it didn’t just sweep down through the whole subdivision and take us all out. 





We still can’t understand how this little packet of homes up the canyon that were surrounded by flames are still there.


This family had had a load of wood chips delivered several weeks ago to spread around on their property.  They caught fire in the heat, and the fire fighters would try to put it out, but it would keep bursting into flame.  They sent the plane with the red fire retardant to hit it.  You can see how accurate these pilots were.  All the red on the house, roof, concrete is the retardant.  Direct hit and it put out the fire which would have started up the neighborhood houses. Below, you can see the trail of red from the street in front of the house going across the fence and right to that pile of woodchips behind it.



I got a text while we were at the pond watching the fire that a neighbor in our ward that I didn’t even know, had gone to our house and turned off the gas and the air conditioning.  Two years ago when the military target practice had started a fire on the mountain to the other side of our neighborhood and “The Cove” had been evacuated the first time, it was the air conditioning that had brought all the smoke from the outside to the inside of the houses that had done so much damage.  I was so relieved and so grateful for his thoughtfulness.


This is the last picture I took today.  This is the main street that runs up the middle of our subdivision.  Thanks to the heroic efforts of firefighters and God’s tender mercies, it is still a beautiful place to walk every night.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wandering in the Wilderness

You probably thought that title was talking about our being down here in Utah, living in limbo as we wait to enter our own promised land, but actually, it really refers to what’s going on upstairs in what is left of my mind.  I imagine it will take awhile to recover from a three month sleep deficit.

Considering the fact that I never did forgive my five-year old laptop for the emotional trauma I experienced as I tried to write my last blog nearly a year ago, it should be no surprise that I am only starting this up again because my husband took pity on me and bought me another more considerate and compassionate computer.  So far so good.


Right now we are living in Midvale, Utah, a stone’s throw to the Jordan River -- as long as you clear the sewage plant just to the west of us.  I can’t get over the sunshine and the beautiful mountains that surround us.  We are on the second floor, and the family room windows face what I am guessing are the Oquirrh Mountains.  We leave the heat off and the inside temperature sits around 75 degrees even though it is below freezing outside at night.  I guess our neighbors below and above us deserve a big thank-you.


I had to limit pictures – so I just took this one of the mountains to the east of us.  Across the field, the Jordan River Walk follows the Jordan River (surprise) to the north of us somewhere and to the south clear down to Provo.  Every day, Jim and I take off in one direction or the other for some exercise. One other beauty of this place is the close proximity to Winco, our favorite grocery store—a one-minute drive, or a ten-minute walk.

So, how did we end up in an apartment in Midvale, Utah, after 25 years in Federal Way, Washington?

Three and a half months ago, we suddenly felt like we needed to move to Salt Lake.  Just the fact that when I rather forcefully said that to Jim one night and he casually mentioned that he would check the Boeing website to see if there were any openings is evidence of something more going on than us just needing a change.  There just happened to be an equipment engineering position  open for a couple more days.  Jim is not an equipment engineer, but he has been working with the Boeing people here in Salt Lake for the last couple of years, and the manager, Todd, had offered Jim a job several times, though it never felt right and we never even considered it.  But now, something was different, and Jim turned in his application and resume and we began to act as if we were going to get the job and move.

Selling an 18-year old house that has had the biscuit is no easy task.  Seven kids, four of them very creative and ingenious boys with ample amounts of energy, can leave their mark.  Add to that a daughter that was one delightfully destructive toddler and the house never had a prayer.  (Names removed to preserve anonymity.)   As I walked through all three floors and all 4,230 square feet of beat-up house, surveying it with the eyes of a potential buyer, I saw things I had previously overlooked simply to preserve my emotional stability.  We were living in what appeared to be a war zone and it was overwhelming and depressing just thinking about what it would take to make it marketable.


                      321 S. 309th Street, Federal Way, WA




This was the beginning of a multitude of miracles. 

When this whole experience of moving, selling and buying a house is complete, I am going to try and come up with a number for how many miracles we have experienced as we have gone through the last three months.  Right now, since we are still experiencing them, I just have to say it has been a multitude.

The morning after we talked about the possibility of looking for a job in Salt Lake, I went to the internet and just out of curiosity, wanted to see what real estate was like down here.  I decided to make myself a list of what I wanted in my “dream house,” as I felt that this would be our last move and, just for the heck of it,  I might as well look for a home that had the qualities I’d always dreamed of in a home.  I made my list and went searching.  I soon found it.  It really was love at first sight, and I have never been able to look at another house since then.  Ever.  Not even when Boeing sent us on our week-long house hunting trip. Not even when someone else put an offer and contract on MY house.   But that is one of those incredible miracles and comes later in my story.

15023 Eagle Crest Drive


This home is in the Alpine North Stake and is five to six minutes from the Draper Temple.  On a clear day we can see through a canyon to downtown Salt Lake from our patio.  Happily, just down the street they are building a new LDS chapel.

The girls will be attending Lone Peak High School for a few classes and the seminary there.  Interestingly enough, the Lone Peak Seminary is the largest in the church.  There are 68 seminary classes and 1,900 LDS students that attend.  Out of the 2,100 students at Lone Peak High School, 93% of them are LDS.  This is slightly up from the six students in Marci and Jamie’s early morning seminary class in Federal Way, which included all four grades at the high school.

We haven’t attended our new ward, since the house hasn’t closed yet, and, yes, I’ll admit it, I wanted to fly a little under the radar for awhile and just enjoy sitting by my husband in church, so we have been attending the Midvale 3rd Ward for a couple of weeks.  Ha.  Guess who is teaching their High Priest’s group next week . . .

To be continued.  Hopefully a little tomorrow.  And the next day. And the day after that.  I’m being optimistic.  You have to be to eat a whole elephant.