Sunday, July 29, 2012

Morning Walks This Side of Heaven



Have I mentioned how much I love this place?


There’s often something very magical happening out my bedroom window to the east about 5:30 in the morning, and more times than I can count, it has caused me to run for my camera.  Thursday morning, I decided to do more than stand on our patio in pj’s for pictures.  I got dressed as fast as I could, skipped the make up, grabbed my camera, and headed for the pond at the entrance to our subdivision.


I wasn’t disappointed.  I had been by here the morning before, and the colors in the sunrise on the pond stopped me in my tracks.  It was downright painful not to have my camera.  I was hoping for a repeat performance this morning, and although there were no pinks and oranges and reds and yellows, it was still beautiful.


There’s plenty of wildlife around the water.  I watched this goldfinch enjoying the sunrise as well.  I believe we both departed rather abruptly at about the time we smelled the skunk.  Didn’t seem to phase the deer below  at all.






Standing right there at the pond and looking to the west you can see our chapel.  Jim and I have walked to church Sunday morning several times now.  I just stuff my Sunday shoes in my purse and we take off.


This creek runs through the subdivision  for about a mile.  I walk here every morning and often at night with Jim.


There are always plants in bloom.  Red Hot Pokers have become a new personal favorite, even though this one has about had the biscuit.



You can see where the fire went through here last month on the left hand side.


This was another sunrise this week.


This is the beginning of the sunrise that turned the pond incredible colors on Wednesday  when I didn’t have a camera.  It’s amazing what will get me out of bed in the mornings at indecent hours.


  1. We do have beautiful sunrises and sunsets here. Love all your pictures!

  2. Mom those are so pretty! I wish we could come visit.

  3. I can't believe you took those! those pictures are so pretty! they seem more like postcards. I'm so excited to come!!
