Monday, November 18, 2013

Our Roots Say We're Sisters, Our Hearts Say We're Friends

Marcy flew down from Missouri to be with her daughter, Kendi.  I was able to snag her for a few brief days and loved every minute of it.  We spent hours and hours talking and shared so many feelings and experiences.  It was just a peaceful, happy time for me to be able to have her here.  I haven’t been around anyone else who appreciates the desperate urgent need to throw off a coat or run outside in the cold air as often as I do, so we really do understand each other.  I took these pictures because when I put my shirt on this morning, it reminded me of her—and yes, I want to be like her when I grow up – and how I have wished I had her killer smile.DSC_4634DSC_4691

Marcy was just released from her calling in the stake relief society presidency—I kept her active by asking her to play the piano for our Relief Society, which she did wonderfully well, beautiful prelude and all.


We had a lot of good talks, laughed a lot, cried some and just plain chatted about whatever, shared lots of recipes and lots of “you have to read this book” ideas, and she even showed me how to cook and use the cute little angel pumpkins that grew out of nowhere.


We have a family history trip planned for sometime this coming spring.  It takes a certain mentality to be happy in a dungeon with the dead all day.  We are definitely related.


It was a sad day when I had to drop her off at the airport to send her back to Missouri.  I miss my friend.

1 comment:

  1. I refuse to believe the outfit choices were accidental, seems like too much of a coincidence for me lol
