Monday, June 23, 2014

“Aubey Did It”

I have been thinking about my kids a lot lately, especially the ones I don’t see very often—actually, I think about ALL of them a LOT, but I have been missing my Missing Kid especially, and I could’ve just come out and said I am missing Dallin, but that would’ve been way too easy and way too grammatically correct for this sentence, and I am in the mood to do “run on” and I seem to be on a roll, so I will just keep going and see if I can make as long a sentence as Dallin does in his fancy schmancy papers he writes in graduate school.  Ok.  I am too tired to run anymore.

What I mean to say is, we really missed Dallin at Aubrey’s wedding and I thought it was about time to share a little of what happened with him.  So Dallin, this one’s for you.

Do you remember how Nathan used to pass the blame for anything he did wrong when he was little?   It was always,  “Aubey did it.”

Well, she has officially gone and done it.

My wonderful friend, Natalie, gave her a bridal shower, and even though Aubrey hasn’t lived here in Utah very long, she had amazing support by the ladies in our ward, and even some family.


Aubrey Walton (at this point) and Natalie Winder.



The thought of having to do this two more times is  . . . well . . . I shouldn’t really think about it when I am this tired.


They really put on quite a spread.  It’s obvious I had absolutely nothing to do with it. 


Marcy was in town visiting Kendi who lives in Orem now.


Rhonda and Art are still up in Corner Canyon in Draper.



She really got a lot of nice gifts and it was a lot of fun.


The night before she got married, Robert’s family put on an open house for them up in Bountiful.  Most of the extended family that was coming was here by then and made the trip up there.  His family did a wonderful job to help them celebrate and we were surprised that friends from Herriman made the trip up there.



Aunt Uarda made them a quilt with the colors that Aubrey chose.  Some day I hope to have one of her quilts for my own.



The morning they got married, it was very, very windy, and I think it was probably a good thing that Robert didn’t let go of her.  I believe she would’ve floated off, she was so happy.


And nothing’s changed in the two months since then.  They are still THAT HAPPY.  Robert’s brother-in-law keeps asking if they have had their first fight yet.  Aubrey tells them they fight about who is going to do the dishes--Robert keeps pushing her away from the sink and tries to do them himself.  His brother-in-law says it makes him sick.  They figure the sicker they make him, the happier their marriage. 


Westin has to be the cutest grandson this side of heaven.  He especially loves to be “ow-side.”



The Oquirrh Mountain Temple flowers were right up there in basic beautifulness with the ones on Temple Square that I love so much – and don’t complain.  It would hardly be one of my blogs without pictures of flowers now, would it.


It was obvious how much the wind bothered her.


It was really neat that all my family made it.  Grandpa and Grandma are 84 this year.



Some things never change.  Does this bring back any memories of attempted family photos?


We are missing you in this picture.  We will have to get another family picture when you come this summer.



Yup.  It was the wind again.


You didn’t really want to get on Rhonda’s bad side.


I wish we would’ve had more time with all the family.  We had to leave the next morning to take Marci to Rexburg, which really made this a hit and run kind of thing. . .




Austin and his new beard with Uncle Art



.                 Barrett and Lindsay and their new baby.


Remember Menolly?  She was official photographer and did an amazing job.




    Richelle helped a lot to control the crowds and her husband—most of the time.




 I really think they just miss hugging guys.


   It was picture worthy to see Nathan in a tie again.  Handsome, ain’t he?


Candy and Dana had a long, long drive to get here.


    Can you tell they miss you?


                Aubrey and all of Robert's nieces.



Robert is the youngest of 12 children, so a family picture is a production.



There was plenty more where that came from . . .




After the wedding ceremony, we all drove over to our ward building where we put on a luncheon for all the families.  Richelle was in charge of flowers and decorations and really did a beautiful job.  Aubrey had chosen yellow and blue for her colors – lemon and blueberries.








Caryn Smith and even Brian Walton, who came and represented the Walton side of the family.


Ashleigh and Justin Smith drove up from Mesa.



They didn’t do so well when they were trying to feed each other cake.  You would think with her killer Ultimate skills she could hit her target better.


One of the things she wanted most at the luncheon was a dance with Robert and a dance with Dad.   She danced with your Dad to the song, “Aubrey” that I loved as a teenager, which actually was where I got her name.  I don’t cry that often, but watching them was one time I couldn’t help it.


Your Dad wrote a song for her wedding.  It was about the experience she had one night while watching  “The Hobbit” right before she started dating Robert.  Your Dad asked her to write it up and share it at the luncheon before he sang the song.  The song is about “Is There a Moon Rising for Me?”


You can make your Dad cry on demand by asking him to sing it.



                    And there you have Aubrey and Robert Field.


  1. Aubrey looks so much like your Candy and Carla to me. What a lovely wedding. "Aubrey" was a favorite song of mine, too (if it's the one by Bread that you're talking about. *wink*)

  2. I can't believe I'm just seeing these wonderful pictures right now!! I saw some on Facebook, but yours are way better, of course. It looks like a wonderful, magical day. We are so bummed that we missed that special occasion! They look great together, and the whole family looks fabulous! We need to visit sometime! Love you guys!
