Friday, April 30, 2010

The Ken and Naida Show


It’s just a shame you weren’t here Tuesday night --or that it wasn’t recorded -- to get what happened a couple weeks ago straight from Grandma’s mouth.  Grandpa and Grandma went to their first meeting of the Sunday block together – Grandma off to Relief Society, and Grandpa off to Priesthood.  Somewhere during Priesthood and before Sunday School, (details are a little vague here and slightly disputed) Grandpa slipped off back home—allegedly to put the roast on so it would be ready for dinner after church.  Grandma became concerned when Grandpa never showed up for Sunday School.  She called home and let it ring and ring but when no one answered she was worried enough to go looking for help.  She found the Bishop and told him she was afraid that something awful had happened to Grandpa.  The Bishop said he would find her a priesthood holder to take her back home to look for him and instructed her to drive back the same way they usually come to church.  As they were all standing around getting organized to go on this missing spouse hunt, in walks Grandpa;  healthy, whole and smiling.  What had happened to Grandpa?  Well, he had just happened to go home and just happened to turn on the TV and it just happened to be the Canadian Curling Championships.  Grandma could’ve steamed that roast herself right then and there.

The Bishop then asked them both to speak in Sacrament meeting the following Sunday.  The topic?  Forgiveness.


These little visits of theirs always leave us with all kinds of great memories—whether they involve food, games, reminiscing, shopping, movies, sports, or even working.  If there is some project going on outside, Grandpa will be there.  I just happened to show him the tree that had fallen out of the wetlands and landed on one of the maples in our backyard that Devin had been working on the night before.  .DSC_0061

The next morning when Grandpa went missing, I happened to look out back, and there he was on a stool, at nearly 90,  hacking away at the broken branch of the maple that needed to come out.  I had to hustle Devin out there before I found Grandpa up in the tree  -- or worse.


Thankfully, there are times when even Devin hustles.


And swings from vines  . . .


Then when Grandpa started going after the blackberry bushes that infiltrate our own wilderness area every year, I had to send for more support.  Nathan was soon enlisted and taking orders.


Grandma  has perfected that amazing ability of smiling while listening to never ending flute and piano practicing.


Marci is playing the bass flute here.  Their yearly spring concert happens in a couple of weeks, and just two weeks ago, the regular bass flute player came down with some kind of lung problem that wouldn’t allow her to play the bass flute.  It takes LOTS of air.  Marci’s teacher was very relieved when Marci was willing to take on the challenge of starting all over with new parts – and doing it in one month.



 This is one of Grandma’s constant companions.  She doesn’t go many places without it these days.  I think it has to be one of the neatest looking canes I have ever seen.  For anybody that’s listening, I would like one of these some day. . .















Grandpa without his new green hat that Grandma made him buy yesterday to match his green coat.  She wouldn’t let him in the car till he came out with a matching hat.  But you notice, she still kind of likes him anyway.





It really stinks when every one takes off at once.  Grandpa and Grandma just left for David’s to attend the Vancouver Canada Temple Dedication this weekend.  We will miss you!!!


And Marci and Jamie  just left for a Girl’s Camp Overnighter.  It’s just me and the natives now.  And they’re not very restless.  Boring.


  1. Oh I wish I had been home for that. Too bad I have to be learning stuff...

  2. I love Mugga Mugga. They look so young and sprightly. I hope that I get to see them this summer in their native habitat. You are a good picture taker mom.

  3. Devin and Nate look like they were having a blast, I love Nate's face. such good boys

  4. You got some wonderful pictures of Grandma and Grandpa. We had a very special weekend with them here, as we enjoyed the Temple Youth Celebration and the temple dedication. Fantastic weekend.
