Thursday, October 17, 2013

Crime and Punishment Kid-Style

Today’s fond memory comes directly from my journal, written in June 1997.

I have included pictures from this time period of all involved.

"Yesterday, I speDarren 001nt an hour helping Darren (8) run away.


He and Aubrey (6) had had a fight.                                                                                                                                                                                 

Aubrey, Marci and Dallin 001

 We decided to hold court right there in the front hall at the scene of the crime.

I,(40), of course, was judge and jury.

Family Picture 1997 001

I called the defendants over, had them plead their case,
and asked for witnesses.

Devin as scout 001

Devin (10) was the only witness and stated the facts as he saw them.

I then asked Darren for the punishment he thought Aubrey should get, and I
asked Aubrey for the punishment she felt Darren should get.
After they told me, I went and got the New Testament and read Matthew 7:1-3 to

Aubrey had said that Darren should go to his room.

Darren had said that Aubrey should spend 2 days in the sewer.

So after having a discussion on the principle of
"judge as ye shall be judged,”  I told
Darren that he would receive the judgment he imposed on Aubrey and visa versa.

Aubrey then went to her room.

The closest thing we could find to the sewer for
Darren was to have him head up the "Poopy Diaper Squad."

This is when he decided it was best that he run away, which I wouldn't allow him to do until he did his chores.

Devin then decided he better go with him to keep him safe, and so Darren
decided to help Devin clean the shower so that Devin could get his chores done and go
with him.

All in all, it worked out."


  1. Haha! That sounds like something Darren would say, I'm surprised I had such a mellow punishment instead of something far more drastic! Haha good thing I guess, that could have come out far worse for me.
    That was really fun to read though :)

  2. oh my goodness, that made me laugh! We were some pretty funny children! haha thanks mom!

  3. I am having so much fun reading these journal entries!! It makes me want to do that too! I wasn't as good with my journal writing though. So fun to be sharing these!
