Friday, October 17, 2014

Nathan, Almost 3 -- Memorable Moments from a Mother’s Memoirs



February 1, 1996

Nathan has given it to me like it really is.  The other day he looked me

in the eyes and said so seriously, “Mom, you are SO special . . .

and SO ugly.”  How’s that for the innocent honesty of a 2-year old.

Maybe he didn’t really  know what ugly meant.

The other night I was putting his pj’s on and was concerned about

these marks that I keep seeing appear on his tummy.  They are

dark circles of various sizes and they have me worried, though they

do go away after a couple of days.  I looked in the medical book to see

if I might get any help and read about hives and stuff.  Hives itch, it says,

so I asked Nathan if those spots itched.  He said, “Yes, they do.” 

I wasn’t really sure if he knew what that meant and I said,

“Nate, do you know what ‘itch’ means?”


Some help he was.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Aubrey age 4 Memorable Moments from a Mother’s Memoirs


February 7, 1995

“Tonight at the dinner table, Aubrey says, “You know what I would

like to name our next baby?  I just LOVE the name . . .”  We were all

a little curious to see what kind of name this creative little four-year

old would like, and I wondered if it were the name of someone in

her primary class.

 “Captain Hook!” 

When it was obvious that wasn’t making the biggest splash,

she gave it some more thought.  Ok.  “Leopold.”

I’m a little worried for her future children.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

To Jamie From the Men in her Family Who Knew Her So Well

Once upon a time, Jamie had a birthday and received beautiful poetry from her

brothers and father that only her immediate family could ever appreciate.  Enjoy.


(Original spelling and punctuation retained for authenticity)


“One day a fair maiden was a walking

the next day the same fair maiden was a sleeping

the day after that the maiden was typing

and then she was sleeping again.

then she wrote in her journal and read her scriptures.


-- from Darren





Jamie is blue

So is byu

she likes turtles

And her name isn’t Murtle

-from Nathan



There once was a girl from the coast

Who often and loudly did boast

Of her intelligence vaunted

her flute playing she flaunted

Until she was killed and came back as a ghost

-  from Dallin



Though it seems that you might favor the flute

or even a piano for your noisy pursuits

if anyone knows you

they see it is untrue

compared to your sports volume you’re mute

-  From Devin



Jamie, Jamie

What can I say about you?

You are amazing

All of the things you do

If I were a better writer

I’d come up with words to-nighter

But since I can’t,  I‘ll do a little dance

And just say that I love you

-from Dad



Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Don’t Try to Outsmart A Computer At My Age

I couldn’t get today’s blog about Dallin to post,

so I decided to be tricky. My sneakiness didn’t work

and all of a sudden I had the same blog post on twice.

I guess right now I am trying the tricky stuff again.

 We will see just who wins this little battle of the brains.

If today’s duplicate post of Dallin is gone, you will

know who won.


Memorable Moments from a Mother’s Memoirs: Dallin age 6

Jim and I just watched a video segment tonight on bullying from a

talk by Pres. Uchtdorf.  This memorable moment means a

lot to me because it showed something very important

about Dallin’s heart.



January 10, 1992

“I worked at Dallin’s school again today.  I wanted to write down

something he did.  The girl next to him was not feeling well

and ended up going home.  But she was laying her head down 

and Dallin noticed and asked, “Are you sad, Ashley?”  She must’ve

told him she didn’t feel well.  Then a new little boy that just moved

here started pointing at her and laughing and kept trying to get

Dallin to join him.  Dallin looked at him very defiantly and said,

“I’m not going to laugh at her.”

Times like these make everything I do as a mother to teach my

children worth it.  Well said, Dallin.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Memorable Moments from a Mother’s Memoirs: Darren, Age 3



June 7, 1992

Darren finally passed the potty-training hurdle at the tender young age of nearly 3 1/2.

I thought for sure we would be sending him to school in diapers.  He’s quite the kid.

And still just as honest as ever about his “evil ways.”

Last week he says to me as I was making dinner, “Mom, would you go upstairs?

I’m NOT going to take all these little cars outside.”

(He had a little bundle of cars under his shirt he was holding onto

that he’s not allowed to take outside anymore because whatever

he takes outside gets buried in Tyler’s backyard in the dirt.)

What’s nice about him is that he always clues me in on whatever mischief

he is going to make by telling me what he is “not” going to do,

and asking me to leave so that he can do it . . .

This skill has made him who he is today.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Memorable Moments from a Mother’s Memoirs: Dallin age 5

Spending a week with the flu isn’t fun, but it did leave me with time to pick up an old journal and

visit my life as it was some 23 years ago as a young mother with three little boys and a baby girl. 

I made a goal to start recording some of these memorable moments. I have many journals

through the years raising all seven kids, so I might just do a little random journal hopping.  What I

wouldn’t have given to have my Nikon Digital SLR camera back then.


Today’s entry is dated May 19, 1991 and features Dallin, the oldest, who was five at the time.



“Dallin is growing up (slowly). His prayers have been getting more sincere and from the heart. 

They’re not particularly flattering at times, but they’re sincere.  One lunch when he was asking the blessing,

he said, “. . . and please help Mommy’s fat tummy to go away.”

A couple of mornings ago, he ended with  “ . . . and help us so we won’t fight

and have time-outs and bless Devin so he won’t tattle like he usually does.”

Nothing like a kid to put you in your place.