Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gold and Green Ball Bitterness

Just the other day Aubrey mentioned that this weekend was the Young Single Adult “Gold and Green Ball.”   Did that ever bring back some memories that I shouldn’t be old enoughScan_Pic0001 to have, but unfortunately do.  This impressive picture comes courtesy of our high school newspaper.

I was a sophomore in high school.  One evening in March, someone rang the front door bell.  I imagine it took all six of us girls to answer it, and since normally only home teachers and Avon ladies used  that door, we were understandably stunned  to see that it was a new guy in the stake who was a Senior with – a mustache.   For the sake of the story, let’s call him Bob.  He asked me to the Gold and Green Ball that was coming up in our stake and like the socially competent person that I was, I left him standing outside the door,  and said , “Just a second, let me go ask my Mom.” 

I have this blurred memory of a VERY long night with me in a long white and hot pink  paisley cotton dress, wearing a corsage, and sitting on my hands as we sat on the chairs around the edge of the dance floor, so envious of my friends who were there and having fun dancing with all kinds of guys and not fighting off their very own octopus with a mustache. 

The  final memory of my infamous first date is riding home in his car, nodding off in the front seat, only to jerk awake when the little white rabbits in my dream started hopping across the hood of his car.   I never went out with Bob again.



  1. Were these little rabbits a product of some kind of hallucinogen? That would explain where Nate has gotten his addictive tendencies.

  2. HAHA, you never told us about this story, poor mom.
