Monday, March 22, 2010

“Hail, Hail, The Gang’s All Here” or as Darren Would Say . . .

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Quite unexpectedly, all the little chickens that had flown the coop in February came back to roost for a few days this past week.  We took advantage of the sunshine and the one free morning that all ten of us had and took off for Twin Falls.  We decided to try AGAIN for a family picture AND to keep my blood pressure stable at this point, I will not go into our previous failed attempts – one that even included a photographer with equipment.   You can’t tell, but we are in the middle of a river in this shot, and Jim and I are precariously kneeling on the back end of a big boulder.  It took a little time for some of us to make our way over from the shore before we were all situated, and Darren was elected to be the one to push the timer button on the camera, leap from rock to rock and dive for the boulder before the timer went off.  I’m downright proud of my little chicken turned mountain goat.  DSC_0061

Just for a little better perspective, this was our view from the boulder where we were perched for the picture.


Because this was a sunny Saturday in March, we weren’t the only family with the great idea to hike to Twin Falls.  The distance we had to park from the trailhead was a hike in itself, but with so many fabulous people to talk to, no one seemed to notice.DSC_0034

How many teenagers and college students do YOU know that still play Duck-Duck-Goose while waiting for the more mature members of the group to use the facilities before they head out for the trail? 


But then again, does this look like your typical college student?  DSC_0088

The game is called, “Pooh Sticks,” and you are looking at some of Winnie-the-Pooh’s most loyal fans.  Darren’s “stick” is a little bigger than the ones you can almost see the others holding, and the object of the game is to drop your stick on one side of the bridge and see whose stick will come out under the other side of the bridge first.  We happen to be standing over one of the falls, so those sticks did some tumbling before they finally popped out. 


Waiting for the winner.  Surprise, surprise.  The guy with the biggest stick wins.


Twin Falls – well, at least one of the twins.  The other one is underneath us.DSC_0109

Lest you be deceived by appearances.  The happy faces are not because of the strenuousness of the walk, or the altitude:  notice the tripod in Jim’s hands -- the Phamily Photo Phanatic, aka “Mom,”  has called for another group picture.



Then there are those who can create a little excitement with just their bare hands.


And others who just ignore incoming fists and requests for group shots.


We’re about to have a “moment” here.  Hang on.


If you know your Disney movies, this scene on Pride Rock comes from “Lion King” where Simba is being presented to the rest of the animals.


Jamie got a picture of Darren and Richelle’s new home.  They just need furniture and curtains.

But when you’re in love, who’s worried about furniture. . .



Let’s call it a “wrap” and go home. . .


  1. LeAnn, are you the only phamily photo phanatic in your whole family? Boy, that's all our family wants to do is to take pictures of eachother. Looks like a great adventure.

  2. LeAnn, I fear you severely overestimate college students. Yes, I'd wager it's quite normal to play duck-duck-goose when waiting for peers to answer the call of nature. Devin looks like a perfectly normal college student in its natural state.
