Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Little Miss Moosie


There’s a never-ending debate raging, well, not raging, just sort of simmering, well, not exactly simmering, but which sort of bubbles up every time I am in the same room as another person  which shall not yet be named and we both notice this picture.  I KNOW I took this picture of Marci in our backyard many years ago and this other person is quite positively sure that HE took this picture.  Considering the fact that he would have had to swipe my new camera over my dead body and he was just a little squirt, it is a rather outrageous claim.  So, who do YOU think took this picture?  Me or Darren?  


  1. I submit my humble apologies for any stress that this comment may cause you. I just must point out that considering your age and much hard evidence of memory failure (such as forgetting your own name) I think it is safe to say that we cannot trust your word as far as Jamie can spit. My word definitely can and should be trusted as far as Nathan can spit. I rest my case.

  2. Oh, P.S. My word is that I took that picture.

  3. um....sorry mom, I'm going with Darren, I remember him taking it...

  4. AH HA! Put that in your Jurassic aged pipe and smoke it!

  5. Actually since I was the one there when the silly picture was taken, I think it was moma who did it.
    But I don't want to take sides I mean you know me and taking sides.

  6. ps. that was not Jamie who posted the last comment but Marci by the way this is still Marcia

  7. I was in the Philippines at the time, but I can definitely say with reasonable certainty that DARREN took the picture

  8. Dallin you are a sound for deaf ears. Thank you for your support. I'm gonna buy you a pizza.

    Marci, you're fired. You remember no such thing. Mom can't be trusted because she is old and decrepit and you can't be trusted because you were just a wee bahby.
