Tuesday, March 2, 2010

She Looks Great for Twins

DSC_0576 This is Aubrey.  Aubrey is now 19.  Aubrey is home between semesters from BYU-I and is working three different jobs.  Aubrey’s favorite job is the more than full-time one she has as a nanny, helping out Lara, a new mother in our ward who just had twin girls, Ashley and Sierra.   Aubrey is learning a lot about what it takes to be a Mom.  Aubrey is developing strong muscles in her arms.  One day Aubrey and Lara were strolling Ashley and Sierra through the mall as they shopped around.  Lara walked off to look at something while Aubrey kept pushing the stroller.  A lady who was watching her own children in a play area noticed the twins and told Aubrey how cute they were.  Aubrey gave her a big smile and told her she agreed.  Then the lady asked Aubrey if she ever got any sleep, and Aubrey cheerfully answered that she did.  The lady was very surprised and impressed.  Then the nice lady told Aubrey how great she looked.  Aubrey thanked her and walked off very happy.  No signs of sleep deprivation or leftover baby fat for this little lady.


  1. haha, that was so fun. I wasn't lying either, I'm sleeping wonderfully, and I think their adorable.

  2. You're a liar though, that poor woman now has self esteem issues because she thinks your a better mother. I know for fact your NOT. You would rather watch football than play with babies...or rather, you would rather make the babies play football...okay, never mind, I forgot where I was going with this.

  3. I thought that I put a comment on here but it must have broken off. I decided that I don't like commenteering because then everyone can read it. I'll call you bout it though.
