Saturday, March 27, 2010

Generally Speaking, It’s About Jamie


This is our baby, Jamie.  She’s changed a bit since we took this picture about 10 years ago when she was three, but in reality, Jamie is still very much Jamie.  Somehow, the veil didn’t get drawn quite as tightly over her when she came to earth and it’s almost as if she remembers how to do everything from before.  One afternoon while Jim and I were gone somewhere, Marci was riding her bike and Jamie got tired of trying to follow her around on her tricycle.  She asked Marci to show her how to ride a bike,  got up on the bike seat while Marci held onto the handles for a few minutes, then just started riding.  When we got home and Jamie told us she wanted to ride a bike, Jim went to the garage to get the training wheels.  When he came back out, Jamie was riding around the cul-de-sac without them.  It was the same with learning to read.  She somehow just did it—overnight – by herself.


She didn’t even have a hard time breaking her arm.  Ever heard the expression, ‘It’s as easy as falling off a log?”  Well, that about says it.  She fell off the couch--while Jim and I were in the temple—and we were summoned out of the temple session -- to talk to the fireman who had her in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

She has her own brand of logic and she’s not afraid to use it.

One evening when Jamie was 4, she and  Marci and I were sitting on the couch while Devin was close by in the kitchen struggling with the dinner dishes.  I told Marci to be a good big sister and go help him.  Marci says, “I’m NOT a big sister.”  Then Jamie says, “Well, I’M a good big sister, but I don’t listen to my mother.” 

Just a couple weeks later on a Sunday afternoon, I was so sleepy, I told the kids I wanted to take about a 20-minute nap, and to please try and keep it quiet.  Several of the kids came in to ask me something just as I was falling asleep, and I was about to give up.  I finally fell asleep, and in comes Jamie, shakes my shoulders and whispers, “Mom!  Mom!  Will it wake you up if I turn on the water to wash my hands???” 


These are my favorite Halloween costumes that happened out of desperation and necessity when I was totally unprepared and we just had to wing it.  The kids got more comments than they ever did with costumes we spent more time on.


One Monday night after Family Home Evening, for some reason which I can’t remember, we were having our family scripture study.  I had  experimented earlier in the day and made a new Family Night dessert that the kids were very anxious to try.  Jim must have become too involved in the scriptures for Jamie’s comfort, because right in the middle of a verse, she quietly walked across the room to where Jim was reading on the big couch, put her hands on his knees, looked right into his eyes and whispered a very intense and precisely enunciated, “


And here she is:  All grown up and saving China and among many other things:  Our More-Fanatic-About-BYU-Sports –Than-Even-Her-Dad- Ward- Choir- Accompanist- and Runner-up-in-the Seattle Flute Society’s 2009 Horsfall Competition—Jamie Lynne Walton.



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